Update: 2/19/2013

Hello everyone!

We have come to realize that a) we are bad at this continuing-to-write-blog-posts thing, and b) even so, we really need to be documenting this process for the world to see. Thus, we’ve decided to change gears a bit and offer weekly video updates instead of blog posts. Check out our first update below!

Let us know what you think, and if you have anything you’d like to learn more about!


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Gui Cavalcanti received a General Engineering degree with a Robotics concentration from the Olin College of Engineering. He worked as a robotics engineer and systems integrator at Boston Dynamics, working on cutting edge mechanical design and systems integration for highly dynamic legged robots like BigDog, AlphaDog, and PETMAN. He was the Systems Integrator for the LS3 project, coordinating the joint engineering and development of multiple subcontractors and engineers. Over the course of his career he has also developed the mechanical systems for a robotic tuna, several robotic snakes, an ornithopter, and several other robotic animals. In his spare time he builds ridiculous things with ridiculous people, like a flotilla of SUV-sized rubber duck boats to take on the water on the 4th of July.

5 thoughts on “Update: 2/19/2013”

  1. Hi Guys,

    Nice to see some sort of update, but if you are going to do them via video then you need to really lift your video skills… it was way to long, poorly scripted (ie, rambling) and the audio and lighting was not the best.
    Sorry to be so blunt, but there are bunch of us following this project and want to see some useful project updates.

    Perhaps getting someone on board to just do your social media/blog updates should be considered?


    1. Hi Fred,

      We’ve taken your comment to heart and have invested in a video camera. This video was shot with my DSLR, which has no autofocus during video capture and is generally not a good camcorder.

      As we get used to the video update format, I’m sure we’ll have less rambly video updates. We’ve considered bringing people on, but per our Kickstarter promise, we don’t feel comfortable paying anyone for the work, so we’re in a bit of a bind there.


  2. Great to see you guys posting again! I work in a NASA Observational Cosmology lab, and, of course, custom thermal control systems abound. So it’s great fun to see you all working through the control systems on something so big and powerful. I’m am very glad to see you taking safety seriously. And, once in a while, someone asks about my Friend of Robots wrist band. Yay! Go Team STOMPY!

  3. Hey guys!! Awesome to see Stompy in the works!! can’t wait to see the end product this summer!!! One question— what kind of camera were you using?? It sounded like a lot of mechanical parts moving around while trying to focus!! someone should buy you guys some goPros!!

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